My Little Honey Pot

(Deep down, he's smiling. On the surface, home boy don't like the "lid" to his honey pot to be on toppa his head...)

There's nothing but pure sweetness in THIS honey pot.

Happy Hello-ween, y'all.

(That's what we do around here - Hello-ween. Fellow Harvester Wendy Cantrell, over at Hope Springs Blog, coined that phrase to describe what our church likes to do on Hello-ween, which is to stay home and meet our neighbors! So far, we've had one lone, tiny pirate come to our door...only to be roundly and loudly "attacked" by my daughter Sarah's itty bitty maltipoo, Amber.

This house is an epic fail for Hello-ween up to this point, but it is only 8 PM, so we shall see...)

Off to watch Terra Something-Or-Other on th' Tee Vee with my grown children...the Preacher comes home from Cambodia day after tomorrow!


  1. I love your little honey-chil!

    We've only had 8, which is the first time in about 10 years we've had any, maybe longer.

    BOO-T-ful Halloween wishes ~
    TTFN ~
    Hugs, Marydon

  2. Too CUTE!! Timothy is so much fun! : )

    Hope you had a good turn out afterall last night. We had, maybe 10 trick or treaters stop by. For the longest time we only had one stop by too. She was a cute little kitty cat! The kids are happy that they get to have all the leftover candy!

    PS, love the song you playing on your blog too! Praying for you all as your men come home tomorrow!

  3. *love the song you have playing on your blog. As my comment went flying when I hit the 'comment' button, it looked like I had typed "leave", instead of "love". So if that is the case, I meant to say that I LOVE the song on your blog! LOL! Me and typing these days! Geesh! : )

  4. He is sooooooo adorable :) ... We had our 1st "treater" in 12 years to come to our house --- little adorable Princess Snow White ... don't you just LOVE these little ones!

    Happy Hello-ween to you :) I haven't had a chance to get on here & read much lately. Our house is in full military gear for awhile ... and prepping for little grandson to make his appearance in Feb ... never a dull moment ... take care & give that precious little "Hunny" pot some extra hugs :)


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