Only He is Wonderful

(by the way, I have this necklace!)

"Open my eyes, Lord, to behold wonderful things out of thy law."

"...and His name shall be called WONDERFUL..."

Jesus Christ was the plan of God from before the foundation of the world. The law was/is meant to point us to HIM. What do you think are the "wonderful things" we need a supernatural opening of our eyes to even be able to see?

Our own ability to keep said law, in order to be blessed? I think not.

If that was the wonderful thing we were to discover, "all the blessings that are ours IF we keep God's law"....well, we will never be blessed, friend. On our best day, living our "best life now", we are under a curse if we look to the law in any way, shape, form or fashion for our right standing with God. Read the covenant in force today.

The only wonderful things there are to behold in the law: the character and nature of God, as fully manifested in the face of Jesus Christ. The law was a temporary measure, to be fulfilled in the fulness of time, and meant to be our schoolmaster to point us to Christ, and to the fact that we NEED His obedience (righteousness) to be credited to us by faith.

The law as the standard of righteousness? Yes.

The law as a means of righteousness? No.

He Alone is Wonderful.

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