
"Grace is the recovery of that which is oldest, and most original - the heart of God as expressed through Jesus Christ.  He was the plan of God from before the foundation of the world."
~Sheila Atchley

I wrote this in my art journal last night...using colored inks and scroll-y borders.  No photos yet...I'm keeping it private for now, as I attempt to master dabble in both art journaling and mixed media art.  I use inks, guache paints, watercolor paints, collage, pastels, and charcoal pencil.  But the art journal I use for reading and recording thoughts is mostly .01 and .05 micron colored ink pens.

Somehow, using color and Scripture inspiration, the words and phrases come to me easily...I guess because my brain is working on both the beautiful ideas, and making the beautiful ideas more beautiful.

I love it.

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