Rockin' the Role

This boy rocks at the role of grandson.  Literally (he sits in our rocking chair, as you see above, and rocks with decisive authority) and figuratively.  He brings me my coffee every morning (in Pop-pop's arms...Pop-pop carries the coffee, but of course, it is Timothy who "brings" it)  and delivers it with a kiss.


  1. Oh my :) How precious is your "coffee-man" ..... ahhhhh, he would give me an incentive to start drinking coffee!

    I *heart* his smile .... I'm pretty rocked by my little man too :) His smiles, his laughs, his giggles ....

    ::: oh the blessings we have in our grands :::

  2. Oh, yes! I drink my coffee every morning, now, whether I want coffee or not. :-) And I will always cherish this "grandbaby" bond that we share, Susan my friend! Enjoy your little man - just a few months old, now!


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