When Children Are Grown...

That's my Preacher, up there, on the right.  That's me on the left.  We're fixin' to fly...together...

I realize this is "The Boomerang Generation" - the generation of grown children who, usually through no fault of their own, end up leaving home only to return.  The Preacher and I are living that story ourselves right now.  So are several other families in our church, and people I know all over this country - they, too, have grown children who have returned home for a season.

This is happening in our generation, right now, in numbers that rival The Great Depression.  And my son-in-law has a Master's degree...and works two jobs...no slackers here!  (Well, the nineteen year old is sometimes another story...)

I say make the most of it.  The grown children living with us are a delight.  I say if your grown children are anything but a delight, politely ask them to live elsewhere.  Assist them in finding a rental with another couple in their same situation (if they are married) or with a young friend.

Point is...when children are grown...it is your time now.  Reconvene.  Reconnect.  Recharge.  Make the very most of it, whether your nest is full of boomerang children, or as empty as can be.  After all, both scenarios come with their pros and cons.  It will be your perspective and your focus and your choices that make it "your time now".

So go on, love-butterflies.  Fly.  It's a beautiful day to be together!

(Psssst...this print will be available in the shop!)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this picture!

    Finally getting caught up on blogs... have missed you, my friend!

    Love the new artwork too! Keep it up!


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