Another Huge-To-Me Beta Launch {My First W.E.L.L. Being Video Weblog}

I'm so Beta, I stare at my own bad self.  And it ain't pretty, what I see.

All I can say to the Lord is, "Allright, already!  I did it!"

All I can say to you is, "Here!  Here you go!"

...and then picture me running out of the room.  It is hard to be brave.  Please be kind.


  1. ::SQUEAL!::

    LOVE THIS!!! :)

    Looking forward to more of these! :)

    Thanks for the encouragement today, my dear friend!

  2. ::SQUEAL::

    I know, right??? Thank you, *precious*, special friend - you have always been a "midwife" to my vision and have been there, holding my hand, telling me to BREATHE...telling me I can "do this thing"!!

    I appreciate you encouraging me, so that I can encourage others.

  3. I cannot express to you how thrilled I am that you were brave enough to jump in with both feet and do this..I LOVE this!! And am so encourged, thank you for taking time for this!

  4. Great Job momma!!! I'm impressed!

  5. Mom, I love this! I think you did an excellent job and have a great camera presence :)
    PS you look a-m-a-z-i-n-g as well!

  6. I love it!! What a welcoming, warm way to tell Grace. I met with a new business friend today who has a heart for women and she is getting this link as soon as I write this :) love you, my friend!

  7. BIG smile here, Sheila!

    So neat to hear your voice!

  8. ~Love it~ can't wait for more :)

  9. Thanks everyone! I am excited to share The awesome grace of God. It is total privilege. Over a hundred hits on this post!

  10. Sheila, I love this message about the Gospel and grace, so beautiful! and TRUE! Love it.

  11. AMAZING!! Loved everything about it sis! Cant wait for more!

  12. Sheila,
    Just wanted to say I enjoyed this so much!
    You are so blessed with so much talent and creativity and it is awesome you use it for Him!

  13. Sheila...great first run. I've reposted it.
    Jus one thing....and i can't fault this at the many wouldn't realise...
    but when you introduced yurself as the pastor's wife I had a little ping in my tummy...which went
    while that's had a quality about it that was a bit like Abraham saying "She's only my half sister."
    You'll probably find this disappears anyway...
    But the fact is lady
    you are a king in your own right.
    You're the one who has chewed me at times, and you have strong opinions in your own right. You are your own lady and Christ is in you picking up on the many rights and wrongs. So although at one level you are a pastors wife...
    I'm sure your daughters would back me up in saying you are a pastor and caller of forth of Divine life in people!!!

  14. Chris, your note is confirmation of a word that a dear friend of mine (a Scottish preacher's wife) shared with me...she heard God say that He was giving me a ministry that was my own, apart from Tim....but He was giving it, and powerfully so!, because I could be trusted to keep myself under his covering, and because I am content to be under his covering. I had forgotten about that word...your note reminded me. Thanks.

    Tim loves it when I explore new challenges and launch out of my comfort zone. I think I am a product of my die hard fundamentalist upbringing, and it will take time for me to discern precious from worthless there. :) I will always prefer for men to be in charge. But I do need to learn to function in that anointing (while under authority) that CARRIES its own authority, and is uniquely my own.


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