Way Too Much Fun {This Whole Artist Thing}

So today I got the last of my art show commissions plus two more prints (ordered over the weekend from my shop) off in the mail. My head is brimming and happy with a hundred new-to-me techniques, and two hundred original ideas.

I am having so much fun, I almost can't stand it myself. "Artist" is who I am, and "Artist-Teacher" is my sweet spot.

When you toss in two darling grand babies...one next door...one two minutes away...just watch me lay down and die from sheer joy, resurrect, die, and resurrect.

I am living a dream I have not earned and do not deserve. I have been made rich in a few ways money can buy...yet I am sloppy-rich in all ways money could never buy.

God has been so very good to me.

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

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