On the Easel Today {...works in progress...}

This is a 12"x12" mixed media original entitled "She Knew {...Quiet Confidence...}"

Rendered in acrylic, charcoal, graphite, willow stick, oil pastel, as well as vintage papers, and art papers, she began life like this:

...and about half way through, she had become this:

She is SOLD.  She literally sold before her finish coat of Dorland's wax was dry.

So today, I began work on this piece {she is almost finished...}

She began her life like this:

...with pitiful little wings.

But I took the gesso to that dinky wing, and now girlfriend has a majestic wingspan...one that goes right off the canvas.

Her mid-point looked like this:

And now {once again} here is the almost-finished-result:

She is a 12"x12" mixed media original, entitled "Time to Fly".  She was rendered on canvas board, in acrylics, charcoal, acrylic gesso, oil pastel, Pan pastel, willow stick, and bamboo pen dipped in India ink.  She has an iridescent quality because of the color palette I went with...so much texture and detail, no photograph can do her justice.

She will be beautifully framed, and available for purchase for $275.  Feel free to contact me directly if you are interested in giving her a good home.

My policy is to offer free shipping...UNTIL each painting is properly shot for prints, scanned, and posted up in my shop.  Once a painting goes up and is available in my online shop - well, all that extra work justifies shipping charges.  So if you want "Time to Fly", you may want to email me within the next few days.

I enjoy sharing my process with others - and I truly enjoy hearing about other artists and their particular process they utilize when they work.

Did you know that it is your time to fly?  If not you...who?  If not now...when?

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