"Delighted By Grace"

My daughter Hannah has begun a new blog, celebrating her metamorphosis from single to married, from a dutiful Christian to an artful, joyful daughter of God, from a daughter in her father's house, to keeper and mistress of her own.

Check out http://www.delightedbygrace.blogspot.com/

A quote from a vintage book came across my desk today, and it makes me think of Hannah's new angle, it echoes the fresh focus of her blog ~

"This house told more about Mrs. Parker than words ever could. Here were beautiful things . . . Beautiful things were here to be used.

In the midst of this loveliness there was comfort . . . People lived here and liked it.

Mary sensed that this pleasant atmosphere was not because of the lovely things in the house but because of Mrs. Parker herself. She understood now what Mrs. Parker gave [her husband] . . . how she surrounded her husband in his home with all the things in which he could rejoice. She realized now that Mrs. Parker was not just an older girl, for all her unquenchable youthfulness. She was a woman who understood and delighted in the task that was hers."

--Mildred Foulke Meese, Star Light, Star Bright (1940)

Grace infuses everything...it changes everything. Not instantly, but over time. And so very sweetly. It transforms our homes into actual havens for others - not because of the house itself, but because of the delighted life we live there and the grace-ious women we have become.

I would love for my life to be the model and inspiration for such a wonderful book character, and soul-nourishing story!

many thanks to www.pleasantviewschoolhouse.blogspot.com for the above book quote.

If you need home keeping inspiration, home schooling inspiration, or if you ever thought that career home making wouldn't keep you "busy enough"...you have not seen what home making can be. You'd be doing yourself a favor to explore Pleasant View Schoolhouse. This is a rich and beautiful blog. Thank you, Faith, for recommending it to me!

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