Analog "Pinning" in a Digital World {...a bit about my soon-to-be-launched free online mini-class...}

I have (literally) three journal pages, single-spaced and  filled with ideas for my very first (of my very own) online class.
Consequently, I have been deeply mired in the "paralysis of analysis" for months.
This week, I decided to "throw a dart at the idea board" (metaphorically speaking) and just go with whatever target presented itself.

But is anything ever really random, when you serve a God who is so specific?  Turns out, though I have so many creative schemes that I am passionate about, I've "randomly" chosen to start with one that is very, very near and dear to my heart... come walk with me.  Together, we will unplug and get back in touch with our analog lives.  We will, together with children or grandchildren, find little treasures.  We will get ideas on how to beautifully display our treasures.

Together, we will fully activate our senses directly, through touching and collecting and gathering and remaking and painting....rather than indirectly, through television or Pinterest.

It won't take long.  It will be just a one-day mini-class.

But it will be all the best things in life tend to be.

Stay tuned.  It will be a little while longer.  I am working so hard on this project - my first (very own) online class.

I can't wait to release it into the world.

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