I'm Shooting My House This Week {...don't worry...it's with a camera...}

So tentatively, our home is going to be featured on a major design blog.  I will share which blog after I shoot my house, send the file via Dropbox, complete the interview process, and have a firm date.

In the meantime, I am actually doing much less styling of our home than I thought I would.

Just three bouquets of fresh flowers - which I would have purchased anyway.  Some fresh fruit - which I would have purchased anyway.  I did paint one side table and one tiny nightstand.

Otherwise, I have staved off the temptation to repaint our entire (huge) master bedroom, and refinish all the wood floors.  (Just kidding.  I love my worn out oak floors!)  My style is, overall, very much an "unstyled lifestyle".  Therefore it is only fitting that I stay true to that.  Authentically that.

Dude.  It's my brand.

I practiced today, right after church, using my big-girl Nikon and the remote shutter-clicky-thingy.  I had to practice today, because I had on makeup today.  Tomorrow may be another story.  The above picture puts me in a giggle fit, because you can clearly see that I had written reminders to myself on my hand earlier in the day.

I forgot.

I just cannot get it right.

I'm also the type of blogger and small business owner who thinks five or ten more friends/customers/readers is pretty dang cool.  (I know.  I'm hungry like that.  Simply put, I am a success-mongering-machine.)  This makes me excited about what is on the horizon for this enterprise of mine.

Then again, reaching a hundred or a thousand more with the message of the Finished Work of Christ brings instant tears to my eyes.  In that sense, I am as driven as you can be.

The Good News is only Good News if it gets there in time.  I want to reach many, many, many...

...through whatever means available.

So I will be working several hours, at least, on shooting my house this week.  I have a weakness for interior design and decorating - I'm excited about inviting you into my home, and hopefully inviting a few more into this virtual living room called a "blog" and getting to share some good news.

This project will be a little more styled than my house tour "for no real reason".

Please, hold your applause.

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