12 Best Things I Ever Did {...from my bedroom to my business...}
Don't worry. I'm not about to get all weird and overshare.
However, sharing is caring. And I care. So I decided to gather the top 12 best things I've done recently (they may or may not be the "best things I ever did") that have impacted my life significantly:
1. Put this rebounder right beside my desk. On days that are heavy desk days, I position it to where I have to step over it to even get to the bathroom. This encourages me to jump up and down for several minutes at a time. Health benefits are enormous.
2. Began diffusing essential oils by my bed, every night.
3. Began using Progessence Plus every morning. Two drops, at the base of the front of my neck...about where your thyroid is.
Sorry for the really small picture. I don't sell essential oils, and never will. That isn't because I don't love them. Rather, I have not found them to be the cure-all that many who make money from them portray them to be...and I realize that is just my experience, not theirs. Big exception: Progessence Plus, and lemongrass. Progessence Plus for a general, overall, noticeable improvement in perimenopausal symptoms, and lemongrass because every time I wear it, women ask me what is that lovely, lovely scent I am wearing
And they look like they might eat me alive. It isn't a comfortable feeling, but it is oddly satisfying.
contact me for a wonderful essential oils rep. She won't try to talk you into a thing you do not want...
4. I started a new series: "Wear Your Praise Wednesday" That little weekly post drives a lot of new traffic to this blog.
5. Put up serious boundaries with people who didn't want to take my boundaries seriously. If you are a creative, you know this. You have to guard your wellsprings. For me, those wellsprings are prayer and meditation - and time to simply create in my studio without interruption.
6. I started wearing bifocal readers
7. I am in the process of becoming more "hard to get" so I can live the kind of life that makes good art inevitable. I am being far more careful in my collaborations, and lengthening my turn-round time on commissions.
8. Embraced my true giftings and calling. (Part of this involved admitting to being an introvert, while at the same time not allowing that title to limit me.)
9. Owned my inner bohemian. While I don't see myself getting any tattoos, my style has markedly shifted. I now wear jeans to church as a rule. And I break silly rules, because silly rules should, without doubt, be broken.
10. I found my voice again. This happened right about this very month, in the year of our Lord 2009. I had been in a friendship-relationship that I had been allowing to intimidate me. I let it all go...both the intimidation...and the friendship. The Lord said "Do not chase it down."
This was hard for me, because I am a "lifer". I make friends for life, and I am loyal to a fault. I will do anything, short of compromising the Gospel, to restore a relationship.
Not that time. I had to obey God, rather than men, and rather than my own predispositions. And it was a wonderful, bountiful dealing for my soul. I found my voice again. The growth has been explosive every year since.
11. Accepted the fact that I am called to "glory and virtue". (2 Pet. 1) I am called to do big things, to make an impact, to be dang good at what I do and work hard and accomplish everything I can. That word "virtue" in 2 Peter chapter 1, in the the Greek, has its roots in the word "manliness".
In other words, I have accepted the fact that I am to be strong and brave. I can do hard things. I'm called to give God "my best yes". Called to virtue. Called to glory...which means that others look at me and see the handiwork of very God.
Slackers can't do that. Passive women can't do that.
12. Bought a (used) Mac. With a ginormous 22" screen.
Oh. Happy. Day. Best thing I ever did for my business.
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