A Bit of Dark Humor

Yesterday, my daughter Hannah got her lovely, long brunette hair cut short, and she came by the house to show me her new hairdo. Adorable! Her new husband Justin thought it looked very cute. And I couldn't wait for her twin sister Sarah to get home.

Because before Hannah left, she put a gift on her sister's bed. Sarah had no idea.

Oh, I was howling and cackling. Sorry for the horrible mixing of metaphors (I picture a chicken with fangs...) but truly, I laughed until I hurt and the tears rolled.

Here is what Sarah came home to, neatly arranged in a tiny gift bag, complete with matching tissue paper and a card:

The card, which Sarah read before opening the gift of course, said, "Dear Sarah, I miss you so much! I got you a gift for those days when you miss me too. You can put it anywhere you want...under your pillow...hang it from the rear view mirror of your car...enjoy!"

Yup. Sarah, who adores getting presents, put her hand in the gift bag, and excitedly pulled out her "gift".

She. Freaked. Out. She threw it across the room, in a confused panic.

Hannah, posing with her old ponytail...

The evil plot is hatched...

Gleefully preparing her "gift"...

I don't know WHERE she gets the dark sense of humor. ::sniff:: Ahem. Oh, and by the way, the cut portion is gorgeous and shiny and bouncy, and is being donated to "Locks of Love". Well, that is, if we can convince Sarah to take it out from under her pillow....


  1. TOO funny! : ) Well, that is better than putting fake spiders in a bed! : )

    Love you dearly my friend,
    PS, Hannah's new haircut is so pretty!

  2. I just love that sneaky side of Hannah :) I would have let out a loud shreek if I was Sarah..I can just see it! Like mother, like daughter..LOL

  3. Absolutely hilarious!!

    Hannah is beautiful . . . short OR long hair. My husband will be thrilled she has a "different do" from her sister. Now he will be able to tell the girls apart again. LOLOL


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