What's New and Different These Days... In Pictures

Two generations of married couples...Tim and I on the left, Hannah and Justin, right.

Hannah's old room is now your guest room...when you come stay with us, here is where you'll be. Please pardon my treadmill, but I love having it in front of the window facing our pond!

No longer "the boys' room", now that Josiah has moved out, this is Isaac's room, with new-to-him drums, and TV (for video games only - this TV won't pick up channels.)

Tim got me roses this past week..."just because".

My Mother's Day gift from Tim...an orchid. (Jamie Weeks - how do I keep this beauty alive?)

Just 6 weeks ago, this was a table for 6. Tonight, my heart finally caught up with reality, and I re-set it for 4. Soon, this will be a table for 2.

Snapped just now, in my back yard...

The butterfly garden is beginning to blossom.

Some new additions! (Foxglove)


  1. What a lovely home you have!! I especially love the outdoor 'fireplace', I'd be spending a lot of time out there :)

  2. I do spend a lot of time out there, myself. Come join me...bring the kids...it'll be fun! :-)

    Our home isn't large, and it is old...your eyes would find a lot of wear and tear and flaws that the camera lens doesn't pick up. But I absolutely love this place. To me, there is no other home that compares, in atmosphere...my house has a "soul"...full (chock full!) of old books and every single piece of furniture has a story.

    Thanks, Lydia. I pray your Sunday is blessed...you are indeed highly favored.

  3. What a new season you are in right now :) The Lord has such great things in store for you during this season, I can sense it! I love your pictures, priceless pictures of life. Yes one day you will set your table for two, and one day you will likely also see pictures of a few baby toys here and there as you bounce your grandbabies on your knee, the changing of seasons, bittersweet. Love you.

  4. Ahhh, my beautiful friend, we so need to talk...about orchids (which I can't seem to help but GROW!), and children (who grow too quickly), and things that make us giggle...I love your pictures and your style and you're pretty neat yourself. :)

  5. Beautiful pictures! Life season changes are so poignant. They come whether you are ready or not. But to enjoy each one . . . ah, now THAT is true artistry of the heart. And only TWO place settings at the table . . . that just may be a season with sweetness you cannot quite imagine.

  6. I think I like the outdoor fireplace best too.
    What goes in the simplify box?

  7. Jamie!

    ::sniff:: I miss you. (Isn't that strange, seeing as I haven't reallllly MET you...yet.)

    Yes, let's find time to talk. Soon.

    Lesa, you should know. You know all about the sweetness of a "table for two". Your "empty nest" is NEVER (well, hardly ever) empty, what with all the saints of Harvest Church continually receiving of your hospitality.

    Chris - the bricks were salvage, and didn't cost us a thing! Tim built the fireplace with a bag of mortar, and a few hours of sweating. The "simplify" box is our container for....um....(getting up my courage to say this)...treats for our teacup poodle.

    there. I said it. :-) We spoil that critter, so badly.

  8. Sheila,

    I did the same thing in June re: resetting the table for fewer kids. With us, it was removing that extra leaf. It is a little bittersweet, and a little exciting all at the same time! :::sigh:::

    Now that our son's wedding is behind us, I'm going to go enjoy your family's recent wedding photos!

    Many blessings,

    Kim in TX


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