Guess Who Has Photo Shop?

My honey got me Photo

I've already had a brief, basic tutorial this evening after worship practice, from son-in-law Jonathan.  Hannah can also teach me a lot, from her days as merchandising manager at Goody's...she did all sorts of cool stuff with this program every day!

I'm sooooo excited.  This is one of the pictures I've worked on so far...all I did was make the background black and white, and re-color my daughter Sarah and I, on her wedding day.

This is a learning curve unlike any other.  Whew.


  1. Very cool dearest!! Love this picture too! Annnnd can't wait to hear if Hannah is having a girl or boy today!! The majority in our family says its a girl! :-)

  2. Isn't it?? This is the free 30 day test run, right now. But I already know that I would use it and LOVE it. So, as soon as we can afford it, I will be converting the trial version into the "all mine permanent" version.


    I have more to learn, but already you could send me a photo, and I can make it look vintage or add diffused fun.

  3. ohh, so much fun, that is a cool toy :) love, love it. I am going with it's a boy...hehe, but of course I only have a 50% chance of being correct.

  4. Beautiful, precious picture!

  5. Kelly, you are RIGHT!

    Hi, Kate! I hope your birthday was a happy one, there in "chilly Chile". We miss you! Thank you so much for "stopping by" and taking a minute to leave a comment. I love you!


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