It's A....

Tim and I drove our daughter Hannah and her husband to their ultrasound appointment...

....a little bit of a hike to the doctor's office...

Hannah decided to tell her mother and father-in-law by baking cupcakes with either blue filling or pink filling inside the cupcake!  Guess what color icing was in this delicious dessert?

Yes!  Our very first grandbaby, who shall be named Timothy Paul McConnell, is doing very well! 
IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!

Dear Timothy Paul,
It seems to me I've loved you since the day your mother was born.  I am beside myself with  gratitude and joy!  You are being born into what is becoming a long line of Bible teachers and preachers.  Your great grandfather Gilreath , your grandfather Atchley, your daddy (a Bible teacher in the making)...and now you.  You truly have "a goodly heritage". 

Should the Lord tarry, I plan to live to be a ripe, old age.  I love you now, and I will love you even more then.  My prayer prints have been all over you, since before you were conceived.  Soon, I will hold you for the very first time.  You may have been a surprise to your parents, but I've been expecting you for almost as long as I can remember.  We are going to have a ton of fun together.  Hope you like to be read to.  (And fish, and shoot guns, but those are papaw Atchley and papaw McConnell things...)

I can't wait for you to meet all my friends.  They are all excited to know you are on the way.  I can't wait to see your momma and daddy bring you to your church, that very first Sunday.  I can't wait to see you take your first steps, hear you say your first words, hear you preach your first sermon.  And play your first song. 

I am blessed and highly favored.  Take good care of yourself, and we'll see you sometime during the Christmas season!  

I love you to the moon, little man!



  1. How. Completely. Sweet! Mercy, I am in tears... God is so good!! Rejoicing with you all....
    "Great-Aunt" Wendy :-)

  2. SO sweet!!! A precious boy who will be taught about Jesus and will serve Him with all his heart :)
    Congratulations! I love you and rejoice with you all!

  3. Such a sweet post! I can't wait to meet little Timothy sometime in December! :) :) :)

  4. What a neat way to tell Justin's parents. I am so stinkin excited, cannot wait to meet that precious baby boy. And what a great name! Such joy in a hard season...God knows what He is doing, isn't that great! Love you.

  5. Congratulations on this precious little boy who will rock your world to no end!!! (Don't know if I've told you, but my son-in-law's first name is Timothy, but he goes by his middle name Michael. So, we're partial to "Timothy").

  6. Beautiful pictures, beautiful story. And I love "Grandmommy"! He truly has your prayer prints on him, if we look hard I feel as if we could see them.


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