Of Writing and Socks...or Scarves

Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again.
~Dorothy Day

Binding off a scarf I finished knitting this evening...
 Because of my Word for this year 2010.

How are you daily manifesting the presence of The Creator in your life?  


  1. Oh how FUN!!! One of these days, I'm going to learn how to knit! I have tried before, but all my fingers want to do is crochet! There are so many things that can be made when one knows how to knit. I can just picture all the blankets, socks, mittens and sweaters for your family, being lovinlgy fashioned through your hands! There is nothing like taking a ball of yarn and turning it into a gift of love!

  2. It IS fun! But have no worries...I'll never, no never in this life, be able to top the hand-made yarn creations that you make, my friend! I cover up with them almost every day, I wear them in the wintertime...the throws, blankets, scarves, sweaters, capes...oh my. I still adore and USE and enjoy everything you have ever made me. Which is why I want to make a few...teeny tiny...things for others. You inspire me.


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