A(nother) Peek Into My Sketchbook

You can click on the above picture, if you want to, to see it closer up, though I can't imagine you'd want to.  The journal entry says, "In the language of flowers, the sunflower means, "I am so proud of you.."

Then it says, "Proud of my girls..."  One flower has Hannah's name on it, one for Sarah, and one for my grandaughter Aidyn, who will be born in July.  Three little sunflowers, my three girls.

This sketch is not awe-inspiring...not amazing...quite ordinary...so why share?  Because if you want to make art, sketching is a good discipline to establish.  I'm trying.  They say it takes 30 days to establish a new habit.  I would love for someone - some really inspiring art teacher - to offer an online class featuring 30 days of sketching lessons, prompts, encouragement, inspiration, and technique. 

Wouldn't that be fun?


  1. aaaaaAAAAAHHHH... SUNflowers!!! Pat plants either a field or a 'few' for me each summer, in honor of my sweet mommy's nickname, 'Sunshine', given to her by her first boss after graduating college -- 'way back in l943, her job as a Home Economics/ Chemistry major was: baking apple pies in the lab at Rutgers University in New Jersey [where my daddy was from],as they were 'testing apples' and which ones were best for pies, etc. LOL~ anyway, THAT boss gave her that nickname! A sweet memory as I look at your lovely sunflower sketch with your girls symbolically represented! GOD is SO GOOD!

  2. Sweet, sweet Leah. I wish I had met your mother!

  3. You *will* one day ~she's in heaven and that's where we're heading !!! HALLELUJAH !


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