Art For Sale Becomes Art "SOLD"

I had not put this piece up for sale yet, because I wanted to tweak it just a tiny bit.  But before I could even tweak or put it in my "shop" (which, for now is this blog!)... sold. 

This one is called "Grace Revelation".  I apologize for the bad photography - but the painting sold before I could retake pictures (and I was planning on retaking pictures, when we get some sun around here!).  The Scripture across the bottom is in an old Remington font and is the second part of Revelation 4:3, "...and there was a rainbow around the throne, in sight like unto an emerald..."

As you can see, there are three rows of all seven colors of the rainbow.  Across the top of each color, I hand-lettered the name of each:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

This piece was done in self-mixed acrylics and watercolor, inks and patches of Pan Pastel, and even markers - trimmed in a gentle-looking metallic bronze guache, all on my typical background of gesso'ed antique hymnal and book pages. 

And just like the Scripture itself, the painting's emphasis is on the "emerald" color in the center.

This painting was 12x12, and it was a joy to create!  It is modern and graphic, yet vintage and old-looking.  Perfect combination!  And the concept is completely original.  I personally have never seen anything like it. 

I wrote down the paint formula I used to arrive at the background I laid down (over top of the pages), so I think I can replicate this, if anyone wants to commission me to paint one for them. 

I am already working on another version of this - a 10x20 landscape canvas, and it will have one row of seven rainbow colors, with the Scripture across the bottom. 

When it is ready, I'll put it up in my "shop"!


  1. Sounds like we need to get started on that website that is if you would still like to build one! I"ll show you my "website" if you would like. It's an offline website because I haven't found a place to host it yet and probably won't considering it was a school project. But if nothing else you'll get an idea of what goes on behind the scene!

  2. ** LOVE ** this and LOVE the verse from 'the Revelation' !!! May I please commission one for our household? :o))))

    LOVE YOU ~ 'me and us' across the mtns, ENJOYING and BLESSED BY the Lord's Hand on yours in your creativity!

  3. You certainly may!

    Thank you! I'll get on that...


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