A Peek Into My Sketchbook...

...not because I am any good whatsoever, but because I am honest and brave. 

Seriously.  You have no idea.  My son-in-law is the Jonathan Howe whose fine art graces homes and businesses and government buildings all over my city, and other states.

I'm brave as can be, to be sharing any of my art with you.

I am a teacher by gifting, so the process is as important, if not more important, than the end result.  I can't not share my process with you.  I can barely teach on Proverbs 31 without telling you what I had for breakfast.

Context.  Process.  Even if I'm learning as I go, I have to take someone with me on the trip.

So.  ::clears throat::

Drawing is foundational to making art - even mixed media art.  Drawing is a learned skill.  If you want to become better at it, you have to do it for a few minutes, every day, as a discipline...

...hence, the sketch book.  It isn't to be taken seriously, insofar as the result.  It is to be simply drawn in.  Every day.

And I want drawing lessons, real bad.


  1. :o)))))))))))))

    *LOVE* your new passion/ endeavoring and your willingness to SHARE !!! BOTH are beautiful !

  2. Ohhhhh, thank you.

    Thank. You.

    Makes me feel happy!


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