Art For Missions - New In "The Shop"

I have a new painting up...
"Grace Like Rain"
14x14 canvas
done in acrylic, watercolor, and ink, on a background of antique book and hymnal pages
Finished in a black gallery wrap style, painted edges.

Here is somewhat of a close-up.  You can see some of the hymnal pages...and the fact that it is, indeed, "raining" in this painting...when grace rains, and when grace reigns, beautiful things grow.

It's a given.

Here is a close-up of a portion of the flower-part of the canvas....stylized flowers, graphic style, but also an aged, vintage look.

...and here it is "at home" on my studio wall (my makeshift studio) you can see it in somewhat of a real-home looks so cheerful!

This piece is $65 postage paid.  Half of everything goes to fund our church's youth group mission trip to train in street evangelism, in southern California - where there is a giant multicultural meltingpot.

The other half goes to art supplies.

I'm already out of a huge tube of titanium white.  And I just went to the art supply store this morning.

Please email me, if you love it, and want to give "Grace Like Rain" a good home.

Next, this one is also available...

This is "Mercy's Promise"...10x20, done in acrylics, watercolor, guache, inks, and hand lettered - folk art style.  Each color of the rainbow is written over the top, and there is a faint swirl design all over the background.  The usual antique book pages are there, but are barely discernable, giving this painting a beautiful depth and texture you can't quite put your finger is "just there".

"Mercy's Promise" is $55 unframed, $75 framed, postage paid.

If  you love it, and promise to give "Mercy's Promise" a good home, or make it a gift to a good home, please email me, and mention the painting by name, so I know which one you want.  I confess to being a little attached to this one...

I can only part with it for a good cause.  Remember:  the full proceeds of half of everything I sell goes to our church's youth group mission trip this June.  The other half gets plowed back into the ground, in the form of art supplies.


  1. I LOVELOVELOVE these!! : )Especially the "Grace like Rain" one! So beautiful!

  2. I love the "Grace Rain" one!! Well done!!! I think oceans are coming soon :)


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