Second "Grace Revelation"

Last week, I was commissioned to paint another "Grace Revelation".  This is the second "Grace Revelation" sold!  Finally finished, I'm pleased with the result ~

12x12 mixed media canvas, on a background of antique hymnal and book pages...

Painted with acrylics, watercolors, guache, splotches of India ink...all seven colors of the rainbow, three rows of them, with the name of each color written over the top...

With the Scripture verse from Revelation, "...and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald..."

I named this one "Grace Revelation", from my own revelation one day as I was reading the story of Noah in Genesis.  I followed the thread of "many colors"...rainbow colors...on through the story of Joseph and  his coat of many colored favor, through various Messianic prophecies in Isaiah ("...this is as the waters of Noah to Me, says the Lord...I promise never to be angry with you again...") all the way through to the rainbow that is even now around the throne of God - you know which throne. 

The one called "throne of Grace".

Truth and beauty are one in the same, in our God.  The law of God was every whit fulfilled in the Finished Work of Jesus.  He fulfilled every righteous requirement of the law, and He did it on our behalf.  His obedience (righteousness) is now my obedience(righteousness).  Mercy and truth have become intimate lovers - the Bible says they have "kissed each other".  At the very least, they are not at all at odds with each other - all because of Christ. This "God of all grace"...

...oh, He reigns!  Second Adam has reversed the destruction of the first.  We are free.  Forgiven.  The Father is watching for all His prodigals to remember how good He is, and point those beautiful feet towards His house. 

(I will never forget, back in August 2009, when Tim and I received a public word of encouragement - in other words, this can easily be verified by others -  from an English minister we'd never met, who has a prophetic sort of gifting.  He prayed over us and said that the Gospel we preached was accurate and powerful, but the Gospel we were painfully living out in our home was even more powerful, and there was an anointing on our lives for the return of the prodigal.

 Oh.  My.  Word.  Three years later, if you could see...and if only I had time to tell you tonight.  Right now, our church is full of returned and returning prodigals.  Oh, if you could see.)

I gotta stop this and get on with my bad self.  I am making myself cry.

If you'd like one of these paintings for yourself, to remind you of God's favor towards sinners, they take me (on average) seven hours to paint, so it is a labor of love, not of income.  The 12x12 price is $55, postage paid.  Email me, if you want to commission one!

Half of everything sold goes to fund our church's youth mission trip in June, the other half goes back into art supplies.

This one, as of tonight, is still available (post edit: is sold):

(this painting is sold)
Remember "Grace Like Rain"?  (See yesterday's post for more detailed pictures.)

 Though I have received an email that someone intends to buy it, I haven't yet heard the final word.  So this one goes to the first person who lets me know for certain that they want it!

Post edit:  I am now visiting the issue of making prints.  I'll let you know when prints are available!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, prodigals are returning. The church is full of the non-traditional sort you would expect here in the Bible belt, but it's never been better!! I love what God is doing at Harvest Church.


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