We sincerely pray...

....that you and yours experience the value of faithful friends...

...and a loving, grace-filled family....

....as you celebrate Life in Christ, this weekend, and on into next week....

Thank you, from my heart, for the even more new art and business community friends I have met both online, and in person in 2012, and those new friends who we hope and plan to meet sometime in 2013. As our own children have grown up and become our true friends, we are struck by the wealth one has, in the form of a few faithful friends.
We love and greatly esteem our parents....and those young ones...and those middle age and aged ones, in addition to our faithful children and their spouses....we who have stuck and stayed, have built an artful, soulful, faithful continuity....in fact, a strong spiritual community...we did it, through good and bad times.
Merry Christmas to our faithful friends. Can't wait to go before The Lord with you in the morning..."dancing with our Father God in fields of grace..."
Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours!
Pamela :)
And to you and yours, Pamela! Be blessed!
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