As my heart and mind have been washed and renewed again and again with the gospel, as I've shaken off negative thoughts and negative influences, the Spirit of God has restored my soul over and over this past year. The results are so far reaching, I have found my prayers radically altered, the hours spent in the study of Scripture multiplied, my family relationships transformed, and this gospel has touched even the place in my heart given to hearth and home...embers gently breathed upon, everything set to rights, aired out, and refreshed. The fire now burns cheerily again, and the emotional surfaces gleam, and I discover that I still really do...really, really interior design, I love my home, and its atmosphere is still incredibly important to me.
This shall be a mixed blessing for my husband, who fortunately is very handly with tools. Because I very much want to repaint my kitchen and dining room, get a new couch and a couple of comfy arm chairs, shop out a round dining room table, and I'd absolutely love to add some steps and a sidewalk to my front porch, and finish my kitchen cabinets (a project begun 6 years ago).
On the evening of December 6th, 2003, Tim and I spent our first night in our new master bedroom. God had done what only He can do, and so we'd been able to purchase the home we had been renting for over ten years. The Lord also enabled us to renovate and add on to it. The home got spruced up, painted (a total palette change), and everything from windows to roof to siding, all but the oak floors got replaced.
That was six years ago. I'm ready for more changes, here and there.
Therefore, just for fun, I'm sharing a few pictures from my digital "idea folder". (If I run across something I totally love, I save it to this folder, without analyzing it...not yet. I'm waiting until the resources come in to make the changes I want to make, and then I will analyze my idea folder and choose a workable design scheme...)
Call me crazy, I just love the simplicity of that Christmas tree...
The ideal home office...full of old, fully functioning objects and natural light.