I think it is funny how Tim, Hannah, and I are looking three different directions. It was understandable! We had our dear friend Lesa as designated photographer...and there were friends, grandparents, aunties, and who knows who else also snapping pictures. You should see the short video clip on my Facebook page, recording the moment Justin and Hannah arrived at the reception. The cameras flashing made it look like some sort of red carpet event! Hannah was a rock star...
SWEET! What a beautiful bride!!
Thank you for including us...we were "virtually" there! :)
That's one of the things that made Hannah's wedding so lovely. Everyone was "a part" of it. Everyone was taking pictures. Everyone was fellowshipping. Everyone was . . . heart and soul . . . "in" the moment. Truly lovely.
Isn't it weird when that barrage of flashes happens. It's one of the only times it will ever happen to a non-media or non-sports person.
Great pic. Thanks
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