But guess what I found?

The most adorable vintage (circa 1960's) children's books...two of them, three dollars apiece, and in almost new condition. Every page with a winsome, beautifully rendered animal (in one) or an illustration of a nursery rhyme (in the other).
Even the lady at the cash register was jealous. I was firing off questions at The Preacher, as creative ideas tumbled out..."Is our flatbed scanner big enough to scan these pages? They are public domain, now!". "Will these images print on cold press watercolor paper, you think?"
She asked me what I was going to do with the books, and I explained how, as a mixed media artist, I intended to share these gorgeous children's books with the world, reincorporating them into art, while fully preserving the original books themselves.
She looked me in the eye, and said, "You totally just scored. I don't want to sell them to you, now. I want to do what you are describing. They are beautiful books, and your ideas are amazing. I wish I had thought of them."
Then she grinned and gave me her blessing.
Not that she had a choice. I was prepared to punch her in the neck, and run away, yelling brilliant artsy rhetorical flourishes at her as I exited the shop. Much like Grandma Moses might have done.
Never get between an artist and her muse.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
LOL ~ and I *so* love your ideas for these beautiful books and am highly anticipating seeing 'what's coming'! [Of course, would love to read/ hear all the details of 'how this or that masterpiece was created.... sounds *so* interesting [and i have 'no clue' how you do any of it] !
Love from over the mtns...
I love these kinds of children's books! The artwork back then is just lovely. A parent surely wouldn't mind reading, over and over again, a book with such loveliness in it! Can't wait to see what you do with it! :D
Thank you, Wendy and MomAnn...These books are too, too cute...beautifully illustrated...
So adorable! I guess I'm a little late seeing them :-)
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