Freedom On The 4th

Enjoy my latest podcast, on this beautiful, low humidity, soft southern 4th of July summer afternoon. We will soon be on our way to some friends' house, along with kids and grandkids, to cook ribs and swim and feast and feast and feast.  It is so nice to be loved and invited, since we are tired and still recovering from the Preacher's trip to Haiti.

Food, fun, family, freedom, and friendship.

I wish the same kind of joy for you today!

It is all about freedom...

This Grace Message

I am sitting here, right here, right now, watching it. I had to snap a picture.

And I could not resist pointing out to you...

...she's preaching grace. She's preaching radical grace.

She's preaching the same stuff my Preacher was preaching clear back in 2008 and 2009. The same stuff that some thought scandalous, yet now the message is covering this earth.

Grace has gone mainstream - just like we said it would. No longer regarded a hokey doctrine, espoused only by a few "pastors of small churches", even Beth Moore is publishing and emphasizing the fact that the law has been made obsolete, it is now all about the message of the Finished Work of Christ.

Deal with it.

There is no power over sin like the grace of God...and I quote Beth, "The very thing our mothers would not have wanted us to know, because they were afraid it would give us license to sin, is the very thing we need..."

We are no longer under the supervision of the law, beloved. "You are not under law, but under grace."

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

A Peek At My Easel

Fresh off the easel on a rainy, perfect Saturday...

...preparing for a juried local art show in which I will be exhibiting, this fall.  I am so excited to be doing a juried show - not just anyone with a tent and a hundred bucks can set up.  They do turn artists away.

But I'm in.

Grace, like rain.

Your "Instead" {dealing with the opposition with the opposite attitude, living life in a different spirit...}

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My Vision Board {Inspiration and Manifestation}

For years I have kept up a "vision board"...and all it is, is a wall on which I have placed various images that speak to the kind of life I know God has designed for me to live - a life that encompasses gardens and grandbabies and ministry and mission.

I thought I'd share a part of it here with you.  I can't fit the whole wall into one camera frame, but this gives you an idea...

And, if you are wondering about the words, "Disagree with your enemy"'ll have to listen to my latest podcast!

I would love to hear all about your vision board - I hope you have one.  When it comes to manifesting your calling and your joy, a picture truly is worth a thousand words.

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