And you can have dinner in no time flat.
What was it the poet said? Something like, "Summer afternoon...there are no two words more beautiful in the English language." In the waning moments before school begins (I have not looked forward to it!), I've spent my day napping on my porch, with the sound of the pond waterfall relaxing my thoughts into a warm, happy silence. I've picked sunflowers, and enjoyed the advice of an out of state friend, who spoke words encouraging moxie into my spirit.
(Moxie: The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage. Aggressive energy; initiative. Skill; know-how.)
I've watched goldfinch feeding on my coneflowers, and cooked a delicious, simple dinner, straight out of my garden.
Just when I should, perhaps, be having a string of bad days (neither motherhood nor home schooling nor ministry is never an easy thing) I find myself having strings of good days, like pearls. My soul so boasts in God over it! He does what only He can do.
What a refreshing post! And the MUSIC! Ahhhh.... Seasons are changing my friend. The cool of Autumn in just around the corner. God is good!
You are so right. Things, they are a'changing. I trust in both the logos and ramah...the written word of God, and the spoken word of God that I received at church Sunday and at the conference....all of it, from different sources, saying that this season of difficulty is broken over my life! The blessing is HERE.
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