Some of you have emailed me and "Facebooked" me, wanting to see a few more pictures of our home. (Thank you for all the sweet notes, by the way!)
So come on in, I have the best hot drink ready for you - here's the recipe:
a 46 oz. bottle of pineapple juice
a can of jelled cranberry sauce
cinnamon sticks
Put the jelled cranberries in a blender and hit them a few times, just to "liquify" them. This will make it easier on you. Then pour it into a 2 quart saucepan on the stove, with the whole bottle of pineapple juice in it. Stir it all in, and steep it with the cloves and cinnamon. Strain before serving. So good!
Come for a tour around our tiny "Ceiligh Cottage"
The diningroom...
A wreath on each bedroom door...
Well, we are "T minus 7 days and counting". Rain is turning to snow where I am - hope your evening is well spent, my friends. Enjoy this time of the year...
Dearest, I want to learn how to make 'kissy balls'! If those are what you call that pretty floral ball hanging from your bedroom light! The Biltmore had a TON of them, in various arrangements, throughout the house and I thought they were the prettiest thing! So if you made those, I'd love to know how you did it! :-)
Hey Wendy! Just buy styrofoam balls, and the sort of greenery you want. Cut the greenery to between 3 and 4 inches long (or shorter, depending), bunch several sprigs together, use a clear rubber band to bind them. (or use short artificial sprigs with wire stems) Take a wooden skewer and poke a hole in the styrofoam, then put a dab of hot glue on the end of your greenery bunch, and stick it in the hole. Finish the whole ball off this way, filling in any bald spots, and ending with a length of ribbon. Secure the ribbon with a "U" wire, into the foam.
Viola! There you go!
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