"Five good children are an immense luxury, and to deny one's self other luxuries in order to raise them is not self-denial at all, but merely an intelligent choice of investment."
--Edward Sandford Martin, The Luxury of Children (1904)
Yeah. The Baileys are expecting! That would bring the Harvest Baby Total up to....
seven. Not even kidding you. Seven. I dance. I spin. I clap like a child. Children are a reward, and so Harvest and her families must be overflowing with divine favor. This grace-message is proving itself to be extremely pleasing to the Father.
Thank you Sheila for rejoicing with us. I have tears flowing as I read. The grace of God is truly being revealed in my (our) lives right now. And it's a good thing that God is in control because I would probably be freaking out..wait, I already did that, lol, then I gave it to the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse right now "11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I love my Harvest family..they will hang with you through thick n thin :)
I'm also STOKED about this baby. This baby has Destiny, Joy and Providence written all over his/her life and over the entire Bailey family!!!
AMEN!!! : ) Can't wait to hold this next 'blessin' from heaven'!! : )
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