I did, tonight.
My son-in-law, artist Jonathan Howe (married to my daughter Sarah)had this downtown art show on his schedule. Sarah and he got the idea, after reading my blog post about Angelic Ministries, to make his art show not just an art show, but also a fund raiser for this wonderful ministry. This decision was made, and cleared with the Art Show Powers That Be....oh, a little over a month ago.
In about six weeks, they came up with the name for the event - "Knoxville Unites 11.11.11"; they were able to meet with the leadership of Angelic Ministries, procure business sponsors from businesses in Harvest Church, plus television coverage (my friend Liz Overton rocks!), and radio spots. They sent out a mass mailing of invitations, secured a musician to play some live music, and put the word out on Facebook.
Huge amounts of food and drink were purchased and donated, and paintings (and paintings...and more paintings...) were hauled to the Emporium, in downtown Knoxville. Nametags were printed up for those of us helping out for the evening, and all that was left to do was to trust God for the results.
Jonathan, the "ar-teest" (the young guy in the middle), visiting with guests...
The paintings on display were a combination of breathtaking landscapes, and portraits of men and women. Beside each and every portrait was a story in that person's own words of their "faith journey" (read: their testimony of Jesus Christ).
Yeah. Art show turned fund raiser turned outreach for the Gospel. Totally my kind of evening. God multi-tasks so much better than I do.
The live music was incredible, if I do say so myself. (My son Josiah played acoustic guitar almost allllllll evening long...both solo, and with some duet acoustic help from a friend...)
My daughter Hannah was all dressed up, and professionally yet warmly greeted each one of the many guests that attended the art show.

Angelic Ministries had a table containing a display with very detailed print and visual information on their ministry.

Angelic Ministries needs both donations and volunteers. Right this moment, this comprehensive and important ministry needs about $130-150K to bring their warehouse-building up to code so they can keep doing what they do. They are 501C3, so your contributions are tax deductible.

Angelic's display, and behind it, you can see one of Jonathan's paintings...that painting of the little boy usually hangs in the foyer of our church.
My Preacher (on the right) who just got back from Cambodia last week and is still jet lagged - talking with Tony (left) - Tony is the leader of Angelic Ministries, working hard, six days a week, to train volunteers and to mend broken lives.
Angelic Ministries had a table containing a display with very detailed print and visual information on their ministry.
Angelic Ministries needs both donations and volunteers. Right this moment, this comprehensive and important ministry needs about $130-150K to bring their warehouse-building up to code so they can keep doing what they do. They are 501C3, so your contributions are tax deductible.
Angelic's display, and behind it, you can see one of Jonathan's paintings...that painting of the little boy usually hangs in the foyer of our church.
A big shout-out and thank you to my sister, Lynn Smith, and her friend Sabrina...they put hours and hours of work into the organizing and execution of this event. They rocked it. The food table was beautiful, the service was splendid, the organization was seamless.
I'm still not sure exactly what it was about tonight that whispered the words "Divine Appointment"
and "Destiny" in my spirit. I met lots of people. I reconnected with lots of people. I am sure God touched some hearts and lives in that place tonight...
and "Destiny" in my spirit. I met lots of people. I reconnected with lots of people. I am sure God touched some hearts and lives in that place tonight...
Knoxville Unites. That was the name Sarah and Jonathan gave to this art event. They plan on doing it all again next year - uniting this community to get behind Angelic Ministries.
Maybe that is part of the destiny I am sensing...God is positioning His hand-picked ones, those who are serving, and will continue to serve, this city with integrity and love...
...for the Kingdom's sake.
Thank you for sharing pictures and how it went Sheila, I wanted to come but alas my hubby had to close and I just didn't feel up to keeping up with four youngins by myself. But I did pray for a successful turn out.
We have *so* loved keeping up with this Divinely Destined event as details were shared in various places. It looks like the Lord has answered many prayers already... and it's breath-taking to think of what lies ahead! Oh, the AMAZING GRACE of GOD... Thank you so much for the details and photos!!! *ALMOST* as good as Being There. ;o)))
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