...because, to begin with, I have been fighting a stomach bug for two days. So I am in no mood to ply you with perfectly staged pictures of my sweet little life.
And I've just about had enough of some of the "Fundamentalista-blogs" out there, portraying life as though it were one big bubble blowing "we love Jesus, that's why everything's perfect" party. I've read through a couple tonight, and off the cuff...well, they are beginning to irk me. If I ever retract that statement, I shall blame my current state of nausea. I won't name names, though I could. I am half sorry I've recommended a couple of them in years past. I wasn't "onto" their game, then.
All those homemade dresses. And cooking. And knitting. And perfect children, both grown and not quite grown. And (here is the shame): no mention of even one struggle...I'm serious. Now that I have the luxury of looking over the body of work on these couple of blogs - I lie not - not a single struggle is mentioned beyond the death of elderly loved ones.
Meanwhile, here at The Cottage, you've heard me talk about how Waltonesque we are here - with three generations under one (small, middle income, not-hip-or-architecturally-interesting) roof. But how did I put it? "We are so Waltonesque, only Mama takes her half-an-Ambien at bedtime, and John Boy chews tobacco and can be mean sometimes."
We are trophies of grace - not a trophy family. And I am so daggum okay with that. Yes. I said daggum. Yes, I take a half an Ambien to get to sleep. If you had a crying grand baby in your house, if you had a less than perfect, sometimes noisy teenage son, and a husband who snored like a bulldog with a sinus issue, with no extra bedrooms to spare in your ordinary 60's tract home, you'd need a half an Ambien too. Deal with it.
We are in full time ministry. We home schooled each and every child from birth through high school graduation. (The youngest graduates this spring.) We never sewed our own dresses, we wore jeans. We did and we do bake bread, but only because we enjoy it. I knit because it keeps me sane.
We read CS Lewis, GK Chesterton, Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples, the Iliad and the Odyssey, and Semus Heaney's translation of Beowulf. We listen to classical music, worship music, and a bit of Eric Clapton. Everyone (but me) sings and plays a musical instrument, and plays it skillfully. I have enough material to pretend with. I have enough going on, I could only tell you the good parts, and conveniently leave out the struggle.
I could. But why would I?
Both daughters married well, saved themselves for marriage, and married strong Christian men. One of my daughters gave us our first grandson in December of last year. She and her husband and our grandson live with us, because my daughter's husband was in graduate school getting his Master's, interning at a local high school for free, and working part time when they found out she was pregnant.
To take a small bit of the pressure off of them, they chose to move in with us for a season. They are now at the point at which they are scouring the papers, looking for the perfect house on a teacher's meager salary. They'll move back out next year.
Our other daughter married an artist, and they spend all their time developing his art business, and helping out with various ministries in our church.
And our oldest son is no longer in the Marines. He is the tobacco chewer - a habit the whole family fervently prays he soon outgrows. And he will. I don't doubt that. He is back in town, attempting to get a fresh start. As a family, we are trying to help him do that...help him just enough, but not too much.
Our youngest son is also a work-in-progress. He left home last year, and after a great deal of heartbreak and prayer, willingly came back home. He repented and asked for a fresh start, and we gave that to him. Do we know how it will all turn out? Not really.
All I know is that grace will accomplish what the law could never do. The law can't make anything righteous, but the bringing of a better hope most certainly HAS and most certainly WILL.
Does that all seem so...so...so blue collar? So not-fundamentalist-homeschooler? So much less than perfect?
Thank you. Thank you, thank you for saying so. Somebody has to live this life honestly, and embrace it with true joy. Because the last thing I want you to find, when you visit me here, is the same old bubble blowing perfectly-faked-life crap.
Here's the point: I'm okay! I lived through the turmoil! I survived finding out that my family is less than perfect. Yet. Yet, there is so much beauty in my life these days, it often overwhelms me.
I am overflowing with joy. After wrestling through law and gospel issues, and actually applying the gospel to my private world (THUS "ordering it") I discovered that the good news is actually good news. And it brings health and beauty into lives. It mends people and hearts and relationships. I'm living proof.
Note: "beauty" and "perfection" have never been synonymous.
Now I have to go evaluate my blog, although there have hardly been any new posts since I started homeschooling high school. Maybe it's time to do some "real" high school posts - if I ever have time again between the struggles. :-)
Great post, as usual. "Real" is best because you point to God's grace, not human righteousness, i.e. filthy rags.
Your writing is a blessing!
Love this! (you even had Bethany laughing....she was reading your blog over my shoulder!) I find my struggle with being 'real' and keeping things a 'happy place'. Ya know, let's just talk about all the 'happy things' in life! LOL! But the truth is, we have our ups and downs too. Our life is not perfect either, but God's grace covers it all! Thanks for the courage to always 'keep it real'. Love you, my dear friend!
Oh I loved this..and it inspired me to write......
Feel honoured...you are the first I've told of this blog...I've kept it private for a bit. Getting up my nerve to let people find it...I'd forgotten just how vulnerable these blogs make me...
We really need to talk...I need to sit down and send you an email, catch you up...
I feel a little like the prodigal, not home yet, but I'm starting to limp home.
Andrea and Wendy,
It is very safe to say that the blogs I am referencing don't visit this blog. At all. To my knowlege.
I love high standards probably BETTER than the next person, but I value the TRUTH even more than my (personally) high standards. I want to see my sons adopt the same high standards. I've simply given up using the law as subterfuge...a mere clever means of control. Either the incredible beauty of the finished work of Christ will destroy all mediocrity, or they will resort to the arm of the flesh, or mediocrity will rule the day. I choose the Gospel, no middle ground.
Wendy, I am a big believer in filtering the nonsense and focusing in the joy. You do it well on your blog. Do not change a thing. The blogs I reference are *blatantly* painting an unrealistic picture.
Ursh!!! I am here. I have sensed that you were in deep struggle. I've prayed for you, tho not as often as I could or should have. But I have. :)
Come back, choose the Gospel, let it heal you yet again. You are loved w/ an *everlasting* love. Do you know what the Hebrew word for "everlasting" means?? EVER. LASTING.
His mercies are newer than your sins. And mine.
Thank you! I lived that fundamental, don't let your problems show, life for a while and it nearly broke me.
Grace, grace, God's grace....
Your son is no longer in the Marines? What happened?
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