So here is my riff on Kimberly's awesome recipe....

First, take your own picture, because you are. that. girl. You are a goober-blogger-geek. Own it. Work it.

Gather your ingredients...unbleached flour, oats, salt, baking soda, flaxseed (grind it first)

(No grits in this cookie lemon either...the grits sit there, and the lemon went in my water earlier...). Eggs, brown sugar, regular sugar, dried cherries, dark chocolate chips, vanilla, and walnuts...

Toast the walnuts and chop them super-fine...

Mix your dry ingredients ( salt, baking soda, flour and oats)

Cream your butter and sugar...

Toss your chocolate, walnuts, and dried cherries into your dry ingredients...then add your dry ingredients half at a time (mixing avoid a flour explosion)

Hear your KitchenAid make that satisfying sound...working hard...

Get your scoop out, sistah. Go big or go home. No sissy cookies allowed.

I mean big...
Bake 'em at 350 for about 15 minutes...

Cool on wire racks, and serve these guilt free to your family. Walnuts? Superfood. Oats? Superfood. Flaxseed? Suuuupahfood, baybay. Cherries? Yeah.
Sugar? Evil in excess, a blessing in moderation. Try having one cookie, not three.

This is what happens when your preacher jacks your iPad and forces you to pose. And for the record, I am from East Tennessee...and what you have heard is true...we drink our corn from a jar.
Just kiddin'.
The recipe:
2C. Unbleached flour
2C. Oatmeal
1/4C. Ground flaxseed
1tsp. Baking soda
1/2tsp. Salt
1C. Softened butter
1C. Brown sugar
1/2C. Regular sugar
2 eggs
2tsp. Vanilla
Add dry ingredients to wet, then toss in:
1C. Chocolate chips
1/2C. Dried cherries
1/2C. Walnuts
Combine and bake.
All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual/visual art property...
LOVE creatively made home... it has been incredible! I still have yet to make these delicious cookies! :)
Hi Melissa! I so love CMH too...each woman who contributed brought such great passion and fun and wisdom...thank you for leaving me a comment...
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