We held the wedding rehearsal tonight, and due to the prayers of my online community, and the saints of Harvest Church, it went stunningly well. We were in and out in about an hour and a half, and after the rehearsal, all twenty-something of us had delicious meals at the Macaroni Grill, a local Italian restaurant. I am so grateful to Mark and Beverly McConnell for their generous gift. It was a lovely evening.
Tim and I left the restaurant, only to discover that I'd left my purse at the church. So we drove all the way back to the church, and in the stillness, I snapped a few pictures.
Decorating the porch rails....
And now, this mom will fall into bed, dreaming of those evenings when my girls would snuggle up beside me as I read them poems and stories. This is our Hannah's last night at home ~ her final evening spent as an Atchley. This time tomorrow, she will be a McConnell.
Awww! Wow!! I can't imagine the joy, excitement, and rush of emotions you all must be experiencing!
May her day be blessed beyond your wildest imaginations!!!
I cannot imagine. I just can't.
Blessings most lovely of friends.
Thanks, Lydia and Jamie.
It was *perfect*. There were some HUGE snaffus...the two candles on either side of the unity candle?? The ones the mothers light at the beginning of the ceremony?
They. Would. Not. Light.
Someone as a joke, had cut the wicks all the way down. I ended up having to rely on my sense of humor and go along with the joke. After four attempts, I finally got mine lit...then the other one went out, and I relit it...
Then took a deep bow - and received applause. How crazy is that?? :-)
Then, my boys totally botched pulling the runner down the aisle. Several people had to run and fix it.
Lots of funny things like that...and yet, it was perfect.
I'm still processing it all.
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