This post officially marks my one thousandth post. One thousand blah blah blabbety blabs...and I still have friends, and new "followers" (a term I am not fond of, but did not coin...we just have to roll with it, don't we? YOU know it is just a blog are all leaders, not followers...say it with me: "We have minds of our own. We just like to win free stuff.")
I am beside myself to reveal that the sweet Jeanne Oliver, of Jeanne Oliver Designs- has graciously donated one spot in her upcoming ONLINE mixed media art class...her brand new class...the one entitled "Letting Go."
Here is where the good karma gets all weird and even better...I didn't plan that this would be my 1,000th post...I knew I wanted this post to be a special one!
Well, here at the cottage, the entire story of my life, in the last two years, has been a journey of "Letting Go"...wearing forgiveness like a crown...releasing my too-tight grip on situations and offended people and prodigal sons....none of it is under my jurisdiction anymore. I do not have to fix anything. Just let it go. Guard my heart...keep relationships...let go of expectations.
Not only that, but wouldn't you know it, as I was planning this giveaway post, just this week, the whole "Letting Go" mojo has reached even newer levels in this house.
I am now a certified black belt ninja letter-go-girl.
So there is something of full circle-ness and fulsome sweetness and just rightness about this giveaway, as well as who the giveaway features, and our connection as mentor/mentee. (Jeanne teaches me online, I learn...)

Please visit Jeanne's website - check out her shop, and once in her shop, check out her online classes. Take note of how amazing the "Letting Go" class is gonna be. Look at all the techniques you will learn, because Jeanne is a good teacher. You will learn. Promise.
To win the generous gift of a FREE spot in her class, please simply leave a comment on this post, first of all. Then, if you tweet about this giveaway (giving the blog address) - that is another chance to win...
...if you Facebook the giveaway or Pin it to Pinterest...same many chances to win as you can get the word out on social media, and come back here and leave a comment letting me know.
I am also opening this one up to my church ladies, but I promise to use a random computer generated number app, to pick the winner. I will in no way draw names or pick her myself. Everyone has as many chances to win, as they are willing to help promote the lovely Jeanne Oliver's class.
Honestly, if you had to pay her $58 or so fee, you are getting a product...a web workshop...worth over three times what you paid. I can direct you to online art classes all day long with a price tag of $149. Jeanne's classes are worth more than she charges. Homegirl is that good at her art classes.
Those of you who home school will want to win a spot for your student. Easily worth a semester's fine art (not just "crafts") credit.
I will announce the winner of this special giveaway (weeks of classes, tons of demonstration videos) on Friday of the upcoming week. So you have plenty of time to tweet, Facebook, Pin, and refer people to this blog to sign up. Those of you who bring referrals who follow this blog and sign up for the giveaway??? I will add your name yet again, as a "thank you" for the referral. Just make sure I am told that "so and so" sent them here!
FUN FUN!!! And thank you, thank you, Jeanne Oliver!
{} Such a generous giveaway.
So get going, girls! Cannot wait to see who wins this one! Maybe we can take it together!
Letting Go What is His Burden, Not Mine...
Sheila Atchley
All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...
Another congratulations--this time on your thousandth post!! May the Lord bless you with many, many more milestones.
YIPPEE!! I have facebooked, twittered and pinterested... and I'm already a follower of your blog. 3 entries for me! Would love to win!
Yippee!! I have 3 entries to win - facebook, twitter and pinterest. Would be great to win and learn :)
woo hoo for your thousandth post!:) This is AWESOME that you are doing this giveaway!:)
Goodness, I don't see where I commented on here. Well Momma, I've commented, facebooked and tweeted
Thanks for a chance to win a spot in Jeanne's class! Also love your blog and your art! :)
I love what you said about letting go of offenses and being a Jesus Freak. That is where I am also at in my life!
I'd love a spot in Jeanne's class
I've tweeted, fbooked, and tried to leave a comment here. I'm not sure if it taking the posts because it only shows 6 comments.
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