It Was Her First Birthday {Aidyn Esther}

I will never forget the day when I heard for sure what I knew for certain: that this little being inside my daughter's womb was, for a fact, distinctly female. The ultrasound tech actually "shushed" me.

And I hadn't been shushed for 40 years.

I will never forget the day she was born, all pink baby flesh and dark hair and darting tongue, searching for something yummy to eat. She had the eyes of an old soul - everyone remarked about her eyes. I pulled her to my face, mingling our breaths, as I had done with her momma, and every other baby of mine. I watched her closely, and out of long experience, loosely divined what sort of baby she would be, and of course I was right.

I will never forget the day of her first birthday. That day when The Unseen Divide is passed over, and the early baby-days are left forever behind, as images and bits of too-small clothing and memories too intense to be forgotten. There she was, in all her granddaughter glory, making me achingly proud with her sparkly ways:

This one is destined for church life. She is happiest in a crowd...completely at home in an atmosphere of worship. When she was days old, I bought her a tiny stuffed baby chick, dressed in a pink skirt, holding a tiny cloth cross, with a yellow fluff of fuzz on the top of its head. Embroidered on it, the words "Church Chick".

Had you seen her light up when she came into the sanctuary yesterday morning, you would know that I had a prescient moment when I snatched up Church Chick for this baby girl. She has already spent more of her time with the body of Christ than without them.

She and her momma are my female legacy. Neither can avoid or erase the fact that they came from me, and thus will never not love the church. They will feel burdened by her, serve her past the point of human ability, and sometimes wish they could stop loving the church. But love her they always will.

And being well dressed on a Sunday is a non-negotiable, because we are also southern women. We like to be well turned out for church, even if that simply means our flats match our jewelry, and our jeans are the dark wash skinnies.

Oh, how she loves her PopPop...he is "Mr. Incredible" to both of his grandchildren. (Taking note of his shirt...) He calls her his Pumpkin Girl, and she loves to whisper his name in long affection, "poppoppoppop, PopPop, poppoppoppop, pop-pop."

Even as a one-year-old, she managed an appropriate reaction to each gift, making the givers feel certain they had pleased her. Again...Southern Charm at its best.

And finally...her first birthday cake. She knew exactly what to do, and loved every bite of the tiny bit she was given.

Sweet baby girl. I will miss all this, your very first year of life.

But we will share in many more. You are loved beyond belief, and your Mimi is so proud of you. I love having you just two minutes away from my front door...scooping you up for ice cream over the weekend was the highlight of my Saturday.

Others can be about whatever it is they are about...but when all a woman has to show for her life are the things, animal-vegetable-mineral, that her money can buy (or the things her husband's money can buy) she may be rich, but she has no wealth.

True wealth is found in relationships. Biblical wealth is in the generations all relating to one another in love.

I have not earned it, and do not deserve it, but I am wealthy. It has been by Grace Alone that I have this wealth.

The Lord hath been mindful of us. He hath blessed us. He will bless the house of Israel, He will bless the house of His spiritual leaders. ("house of Aaron")

He will bless those who love what He loves ("fear Him") both small and great.

We are the blessed of The Lord!

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

Speaking Next Week {Conference}

Next week, I will be speaking here:

Ridgecrest Conference Center, in North Carolina.

I will be speaking to the women on Building Community, during the Master Builders National Conference - Master Builders being the network of churches all over the nation (and the world) that we are part of. I covet your prayers as I prepare...and your grace. If I blog a little less often over the next week or so, you know why.

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

Identical Twins {My Daughters}

On this day, 26 years ago, my adventure into motherhood began in earnest. I had discovered only two weeks before that I was expecting no, not one big...big...big baby, but two babies.


Dude. When the doctor informed us, the Preacher and I (he wasn't a Preacher then...well he was, but not for a living) nearly fainted.  We didn't even have a stroller for one at the time.

In two weeks time, we went from not having enough for one baby, to having more than enough for two. God so provided, through family and church family (and strangers who happened to hear our story!), over and above what we could ever have done on our own.

And 4 in the wee hours, on July 31st, 1987, my water broke. I woke up The (later-to-become) Preacher and we called the doctor, prayed, and made our way to the hospital.

 How can I ever, ever forget that drive? We were both completely...and very uncharacteristically...silent. Though we knew our lives were about to forever change, the silence wasn't a pensive silence - it was the tangible peace of God. Honestly, I have never felt it quite that way since that morning, as we drove in the humid, soft, southern-summer darkness. I remember thinking what a beautiful night-breaking-into-dawn it was.

We were such babies ourselves, looking back. The Preacher had hair. Big hair. I had big hair. It was the 80's. We were kids, having two kids.

These daughters of ours have been the joy and blessing of our lives. We worked so hard to love them and teach them and give them those proverbial roots and wings. We made so many mistakes...especially me...but all of it is to be expected, and none of it matters, because mistakes are what sinners make.   We all have to get over ourselves and our raising, don't we?  Move.  On. 

We taught our daughters about the grace of God - it covers our mistakes, and so do they.  Our girls have always honored us well and truly.

Happy Birthday, Hannah and Sarah! You are treasured beyond description.

Smartphone App Review - Hair Makeover

My daughter Hannah discovered a fun smartphone app called "Hair Makeover". She snapped my picture, and then proceeded to send me lots of new 'do ideas!

To give you an idea, if you haven't met me, this is my hair...{well, it is also a shameless grandson brag, but you'll grant grace? Thank you...}

Now. Hair makeover magic...behold!

What do you think? ::cough::

Or this:

This is closer. Too dark, but closer.

What do you think of this:

Call me crazy, but I love this color. Not so much the style...this style is too twenty-something-long for my forty-something face. I can do side buns, but not long, long braids.


Actually, most of my girlfriends loved this one. But my hair would never look this way unless I flatironed the heck out of it every. single. day.

I should have been suspicious when the next photo text was quite some time later:

Meet The Preacher. In a manner of speaking.

I have no idea what app she used for this!

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

Legitimate Authority {Leadership 101}

It has been four years to the week from the point in time which a controlling spirit tried to take out the church where my husband serves as senior pastor.

I call it a controlling spirit, and I am being nice. That is a restrained assessment.

God delivered us, and I can honestly say we are insanely blessed. Not even lying. Anyone who knows us intimately will agree.

Back to what we learned, four years ago. And I can speak of it freely now because...well, because it's been four years. Our church is in a healthy place, with no "controlling spirit" issues.

Perfect time to address issues of control and manipulation, and how it always guns for a legitimate leader.

Manipulation always starts out by assuring a leader that it has that leader's best interests at heart. But give it time. When you cross opinions with a spirit of control in a serious way, things get stiff and ugly. Only the strongest, most legitimate leaders are left standing after an attack of manipulation and control.

The weird thing? The spirit of control always plays the control card. It accuses a leader of being controlling. Always. Bank on it.

Please get this down, and get it down quickly. This is for your good:

All legitimate leadership is strong, decisive leadership.

I know, I know. History shows us that all controlling tyrants were/are also strong, decisive leaders.

Therefore all strong decisive leaders are controllers and tyrants?

A cat has four legs, and a dog has four legs, therefore a cat is a dog? Come on, now.

Friends, let me do something I have not done on this blog in a long time: let me tell you what I sense God is about to do next. We are about to see God show His support of legitimate leadership in amazing, obvious ways. Those who come under the covering of legitimate leadership will be quite blessed.

Why is this?

Because a covering...covers. ::cough::

I am sorry to seem like I am pointing out the obvious, but a covering is far more profound than most Christians know. The enemy of your soul has a goal: to "rain down upon you" all kinds of obstruction and destruction. Being under proper covering keeps some things from hitting you upside the head, that would otherwise hit you upside the head.

I hear some say, "God is my covering." Sorry...but you are not the exception to all Divine Order. You simply are not. God has ordained leadership...He has set human beings in positions of spiritual authority.

Now...before you freak out because of all your bad past experiences, just remember:

A cat is not a dog.

The difference between illegitimate spiritual authority and legitimate spiritual authority lies entirely in two things: track record and motive.

There is no perfect leadership, but the church has been blessed with some leaders who serve the flock of God willingly, and from a motive of the glory of God. And they have a long track record of faithfulness, instead of a string of broken significant relationships.

If you have a leader like that in your that seeks God's glory, preaches an undiluted Gospel of Grace, and has a record of, do not walk, run under his covering. Place yourself there with great joy.

You will be....covered.

That, in days ahead, will be worth everything to you.

I have more to say, but ye canst not bear-eth it now-eth.

Nah...just kidding! I have more to say, but I will make that another post for another day. I have stirred up enough trouble for one evening.


Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

Our Son Josiah {on a TV morning show...}

It was a local television morning show...we were so excited, and proud of our boy's musical gifts...

YouTube Video

Josiah is also branching out, taking gigs in other cities. He has a regular show in a Cincinatti Ohio casino. He also does weddings and private parties, as well as playing venues all over our city of Knoxville.

To book him (or just tell him that his momma sent you by to say hi...please do, it would be hilarious) you can find him here, as his personal web page is still being built...

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

She{ila} Art, and the Inspiration Behind the Art...

 "Beloved, now we are the sons and daughters of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be..."
(I John 3:2)

This piece is a charcoal, willow stick, and pastel sketch on 140 lb. cold press watercolor paper.  My initial inspiration was thinking of all the beautiful young women in my life who were graduating from high school and college, this past spring.  As I put the finishing touches on it, my thoughts went much, much deeper.

Not one of us (hopefully) is the same person we were 5 years ago. And it also "doth not yet appear what we shall be." One thing is certain: change. Transition is the only constant in life.

As women, we very much need safe places to become who we shall be. I will go so far as to say we desperately need safe relationships, in which the calling we are growing into, is as cherished and encouraged as all the things we have been in the past.

That is hard to find. Many women don't feel comfortable with change at all, anywhere, much less in you their friend. Maybe they have always known you one a stay-at-home mom, for example. And then, during one life-summer-season, you "suddenly" sprout colorful wings, and begin to exhibit signs of becoming an artist.

This is no silly midlife reinvention of a life you had been unhappy with before.  Rather, it is you gently "becoming"...enlarging into another part of yourself that has been there, all along.

Some of your friends - and even family members - who were perfectly fine with the Stay-At-Home-Mom, may not feel comfortable with the Artist you are becoming.

What's worse...some women may want to get close to you, so they can copy you.

Imitation is healthy, and very different from "copying".  A woman might imitate you because she sincerely admires you.  This is perfectly fine, and that woman can be a perfectly safe and true friend. Another might copy you because she is competitive by nature.  She wants to be your friend, but she can't help herself...when she learns your heart's desires and direction, she then will attempt to one-up you. 

Or there are those who just generally draw from you in ways that only benefit them.  However nice a woman like that can be to your face, she is not a safe friend.  That sort of woman is safe as a friendly, casual association, but not as a supportive friend.  

Precious and few friends are those beautiful ones with whom we are safe "becoming". You would do well to find them.

 If I begin to enlarge, to "become", and I speak of starting an art business, these true ones are not going to suddenly try to one-up me do the same. Rather, they will mirror back to me how very substantial and beautiful my gifts are beginning to be, and give me gift cards to art supply stores, and recommend top shelf resources to me, as I surf this interminable learning curve.  I am so very blessed with beautiful, safe, true friends.  I am safe in becoming the person who "it doth not yet appear" what I shall be.

It goes without saying that I must be a safe person, and affirm their "Becoming" as well...

Nurturing and celebrating and valuing those of us who are becoming, who are in the transition that is an inevitable part of being a woman...

...celebrating "Becoming" is part and parcel of being in the Christian Community of Women...we exhibit ourselves at our best and most winsome when our friends in Titanic Transition are loved and helped along to becoming the most beautiful version of themselves, yet to date!

Support for Becoming. Because when women become...things change.

This original is 12x12, and is available either right here, or in my etsy shop.

Original or Print Option

If you decide to get the print, you will need an 8x8 frame, and they are a bit difficult to find.  (12x12 frames can be found at either Hobby Lobby, or here.  Since the 12x12 is an original, you will want to leave the glass out, when you frame it.  If you want the original, or your print, to come already framed for you, contact me and we can arrange it, and I will invoice you the new price. )

Your new 8x8 print would look lovely in this, very inexpensive frame...

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

My Favorite {Country} Song

Ah. If you knew me.

Some of you do know me. You know that I love country music...yeah...I'm that kind of southern girl. My first love has been, will always be, the great old hymns of the faith. But when I need a break from my own intensity {which is often} I crank up the country tunes.

Which brings me to my all-time fav-or-ite country tune. If you knew me...this song is exactly me and my Preacher. Just substitute a little red Geo Tracker for the jeep (in this so-sweet music video).

 And as for the Preacher's truck...this is exactly how we roll. Windows down, and my fingers playing with his crew cut on the back of his head. Even the dog! We have a teacup poodle who always rode with us in our little Tracker. We'd go to the mountains, the Preacher and I, and let him out. (Can't do that anymore...he has gotten old, bless his tiny heart!) He was way too little to swim in the creek, but we always had so much fun taking that little poodle with us - sometimes just Tim and the puppy, sometimes just me and the puppy, sometimes both of us...and the puppy.

Enjoy. This is the kind of music that untangles your soul.

SHOP SALE {America, The Beautiful}

I don't do sales in my shop...I don't have to. I sell something every week, sometimes a lot of something's or a big something. And what hasn't sold yet, is happily displayed in my house, or my daughters' homes. I don't make what I don't love!

So a sale is rare, and it is really a sale, and usually only 24 hours in duration.

In honor of July 4th, every purchase over $20 is 40% off! All you have to do, is first purchase over $20 of items, then enter this code in the coupon code box at checkout:


Enjoy, and join me in thanking God for this nation, and praying for its future...

{sale expires on July 5th}

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

Painting Through My Playlist {...a new series...}

Today, inexplicably, I knew had to be the day. The day I would surf the learning curve and post my first art video.

No, wait. I do not surf my learning curves. My learning curves are straight-up, 90-degree angles. I NASA-launch my learning angles. Unfortunately, I sometimes take the Preacher with me...a willing, if not weary participant in the adventure that is my art business. The following represents 10 hours of my time, with about 5 hours of his mixed in - with lots of, "Oops-sorry-babe-my-bad's" mixed in. He was good about it, working a couple of hours in the early evening, taking a "break" to visit a friend in the hospital, then coming home to edit and mess up and start over and finally upload to YouTube at 1 o'clock this morning.

Then, to get up at 6:30 to be ready for an early morning meeting.

My Boo is the bomb.

I send this out into the world with a prayer...that someone, somewhere would find renewed hope, and faith in Christ Jesus. Truly, He has made beautiful things from the dust of my life...

Mixed Media Art {the development of one piece}

The beginning - blocking out 140lb cold press watercolor paper. This consists of choosing what size the piece will be, and making that perfectly square and straight, then taping it down really well, and giving it a coat of water...let it dry...

Then I applied various antique papers - these are not "downloads" (nothing wrong with downloads, I use them when I teach) rather, they are original items. I get them as gifts from friends, and from antique stores...

I work on this easel, set on top of this beautiful vintage storage piece:

It's heavy as the burden of sin; thankfully, it is on rollers. It is scuffed and dented has beautiful blue chippy paint. Perfection! The top drawer is a locking cash drawer. For now, it contains all my "dry" art supplies for sketching and Pan Pastel work, and a few "wet" supplies for mixed media and acrylic painting.

The drawers are full of vintage papers, Caran D'ache oil pastels (water soluble) and willow sticks and blending stumps, and utility knives for trimming away extra pieces of material. There are stamp carving supplies in one drawer, jewelry making supplies in another.

Every drawer is full to the brim with things interesting - challenging project supplies waiting to become something that will bless...

But this paper is a perfect example of something not found in those drawers. I get it out, I smooth its folds, and I simply admire this invoice written in 1892. I will use this beauty in one of my mixed media pieces, but not today. This, along with many antique French and Italian ephemera sit in a special box, separate from the other vintage pieces...I am saving them for a really special idea.

This is the {unfinished} version of what was sketched and painted on the watercolor paper above. This is what my worshipping heart wanted to communicate...a beautiful woman, who is deeply aware of her own need for grace- yet at the same time, has chosen to "let no one take (her) crown..." (Rev. 3:11). This woman is a leader - not because she thinks she is, not because she says she is, but because others actually follow her.  She lives by faith, and thereby makes the hard choices that few are willing to make.

She wanted to tell all of us that she is "in it to win it!" (I Cor. 9:25)

Summer's Heartache and Summer's Message

Sunflowers are the badge of summer...summer's calling card. They are my very favorite flower, now.

I used to love white tulips, until life spun out of control, and all my best efforts seemed as if they were for nothing...nothing at all. Then I fell in love with the sunflower, which symbolizes the idea, "I am proud of you..."

Sometimes we have to look hard to find reasons to be proud. When a child, or anyone you love, really, has failed again and again, when they reject your best love and brightest hopes, your counsel, your principles...maybe even your have to look deeply past the surface of things, into the depths of the bottomless love of the Father, to find a reason to honestly (without duplicity or cheap sentimentality) say, "I delight in you, child."

Today is one of those days. Today is one of those days when I am so aware of the grief of a wayward son...grief that leaks from my soul, like a slow bleed-out, threatening to render me only borderline conscious...aware, but helpless and unproductive.

And so what can I do, but find the biggest bunch of sunflowers I can afford, and offer my heart-artery to God for a transfusion.

I wrestle the conundrum of serving a happy God, with serving a compassionate God, who is touched with the feeling of my heart's infirmity. If He feels my pain, if compassion does indeed mean "to feel pain with", how is He also happy?

Mere mortality, I can only feel one emotion at a time. The term "mixed emotions" is deceiving, because one emotion will always win. Always.

And so He means for it to be. "Roll your burden onto The Lord, and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous be shaken."

He is the only Being in all the universe who can simultaneously feel my pain, and be completely happy...because only He knows the end from the beginning. And beloved...He sings while He works.

I suffer over some of my works-in-progress, flawed artist that I am. Why? Because I fear the work of my hands is irredeemable. I fear I will have to throw my creation away, and start over.

God did that once...because His justice and holiness of His character had to be vividly and authentically illustrated, early in the history of man. He erased the world and started over, with that righteous man named Noah. But He swore in His great love never to do it again (Genesis 9:11).

From the first rainbow till the end of time as we know it, the cross is His mercy and grace, vividly and authentically illustrated. As the Original Artist, He is committed to complete what He began, to restore and even make beautiful all that has been lost.

And so He alone can bear this load of pain I feel...because He alone sees what I cannot see - what it looks like from His perspective: A Finished Work. All the beauty that is in His mind's eye, He has endless capacity and patience to execute it and bring it to pass...with joy.

See, He delights in His children.

Sunflowers. I feel my strength slowly returning.

Grace and Peace,
Sheila Atchley
All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

Modest Swimsuit, Anyone? anyone? {Calling All Girls-Who-Lead}

There is still time to purchase a super cute, yet modest swimsuit.

This online company specializes in modest swimwear, and can I tell you? They are doing quite well. Business is booming.

See, there is somewhat of a return to modesty happening right now...even in high fashion. I use Vogue magazine pages as models for sketching my art girls...I tear out pages that particularly feature tone and value, lights and shadows as they fall across a woman's face.

So I can tell you....the pages of the recent Vogue had an unusual amount of beautiful, modest swimwear. Yes. Vogue.

I think the day is coming, and could now be here, when a string bikini looks as silly as "mom jeans". One looks like you don't try hard enough...the other like you're trying too hard, sweetheart.

I mean really...we all know you're cute. You, seriously don't have to look like you are trying that hard to show us. On your best day, it is more about you than anyone cares to know...and if anyone (but your husband, and in a different time and place) DOES care to know... can I put this...

...he's a carnal Bubba at best (regardless of his age - young or old), or a creeper at worst. can have him. No, really. He's all yours, honey. He sure does love ogling your cash and prizes. Be proud.


Meanwhile, girls and women who lead will be leaving a little mystery going on...and enjoying the attention of a man who is a whole three levels above Young Bubba....or Old Bubba...or Creeper.

And we'll still look smokin' hot.

I know, right? Haters gonna hate. Many many girls just hate a girl who gets to have it all...a rep as a virtuous woman, and mad leadership skills, and all that gorgeousness.

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

Mixed Media Art {...from the studio...}

Some mixed media art, from my studio today...not yet finished, but she springs from such a deep place of brokenness and joy:

I accept the glory and grace I have been crowned with.

I have no righteousness of my own...I don't wear this crown because I keep the law of God.

The conclusion that I have it precisely because I have broken God's law is part of accepting the crown, see. The deep and profound revelation that I could never earn it...that I am a sinner...that I need His loving kindness and tender mercy as much or more than my prodigal sons or anyone else's prodigal daughter...

...this knowledge invites me to trust in His Finished Work...lets me wear forgiveness like a crown.

I am educated, cleaned up, churched, and living in a nice home by most standards...but that could never change the fact that on my best day my heart is trailer trash.

Yet...look at that crown!

I will lay it at His feet on that day. It is His, anyway. Christ's righteous reward, placed on my head - my heart bends in worship at the thought.

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

A New Favorite

This week marks the first "official" day of summer. The summer solstice is June 21.

"No price can be set on the lavish summer;
June can be had by the poorest comer."
~James Russell Lowell

I can't believe it. No one who knows me well can believe it, either. Summer is now my favorite season.

I live an examined life, in the sense that I know things like what God is saying in this season of my life, that I strangely crave avocado when I rarely ate it a year ago, and what time of year is my favorite. I have always loved autumn best...until the last couple of years.

I think this is what changed my mind:

Long summer nights, driving with the top down, the Preacher and I listening to the rhythmic song of cicadas. Yes. That did it.

We miss our "Barbie Jeep" like we miss our kids sometimes...which is a LOT. (Our nest is now empty, which makes us long for the Barbie Jeep even more...). She gave up the ghost summer before last, may she rest in peace. It is our prayer and heart's desire to find another mint condition spam can. (The other loving nickname we gave to our red Geo Tracker with its tiny rag top.)

If you get the chance to buy one, grab it. It'll make you love summertime.

Between the sunflowers and my garden, the crickets chirping, and the birds singing...I am in love and over the moon about summer, in spite of our drippy southern humidity, which some deem to be that little taste of hell that makes you get religion.

Enjoy your summer, friends! Like another poet said, "Summer's lease hath all too short a date!"

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

This Belongs in My House...

You can find this sign for sale on Etsy, "Between You and Me Signs" by Tara on Etsy...if you do a search, you shall find.

If you know us well at all...if you know us even a little know this sign belongs in our home.

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

That Still, Small Voice {Heed It}

That inner witness that all Christians have...the one that, sometimes without any words, comes as an impression or direction or conviction... is a miracle.

The voice that reminds us to love our husband, to give a little extra tenderness to a friend, to respect authority... is an other-worldly, incredible privilege that you, Christian, tend to treat as a commonplace thing.

...that inner witness that is grieved at selfishness, or disturbed by immodesty which always eventually becomes some form of immorality which New Covenant Gospel commands that we flee...that inner witness that twinges at gossip and disobedience...

...the voice of wisdom that used to cry out in the street, but now sounds more like the voice of our pastor or our mother...

...the ruminations of a renewing mind, that is all too slowly learning to comprehend what is the width and depth and height of the love of God...

...the conclusions of a sanctified thought life that decide that a God of all grace is a God worth knowing...

...and worth making known - which entails leadership, which entails the sacrifice - not of our money or our time as much as our preferences and personal freedoms and dearly held opinions and most cherished family relationships.

All these inner witnesses of all degrees and intensities, they are voiced and heard in the spirit of a Christian every day.

They are miraculous. They are what Christ died for us to have - our God, within! His voice, His ways, within!

Ignore them to your profound loss and harm. Hear God in your very midst...within...and you shall not be moved. A serene confidence leading to an incredibly rich lifestyle will be yours as a gift.

Today, if you hear His voice {and if you are His, you will} harden not your heart.

Grace and Peace,
Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...

When You've Lived Nine Lives in a Week

No one can know the week I have had...and I mean literally, no one can know.

Clergy confidentiality is alive and well.

I am fine with telling all my business, and each of my children have always understood and accepted our family's policy of transparency. Even the prodigals "get it"...they are okay with The Preacher and I keeping no secrets...we don't share details, but we don't keep secrets.

So if you want to know my business, just ask me.

But my family has another policy...the whole family. I am so proud (in that healthy-proud sort of way) that my family as a rule will not casually discuss other people, unless we are speaking well of them.

Like, seriously. We don't. We. Just. Don't.

Not because we are necessarily that holy. To tell you the truth, we simply take healthy pride in our service to the Bride. Honoring others is a fabulous lifestyle, one that works for us. God favors us because of it...not because we've earned His favor (no one but Christ has ever earned anything), but because it is His character and nature to honor those who love His bride enough to serve her...even behind closed doors, even in every day conversation.

If you haven't been living by the same culture of honor, I encourage you to try it. It is, if nothing else, just a lovely, low drama way to live.

There have been splashes of beauty, even in what has been a hellacious week...

...this boy...and this girl...our church's senior graduates...

....this day... is good...

...meals like this...made from scratch...

...and this...I eat like this usually once every day, if not every meal. Don't be a hater. I am not a health food's just so yummy!

...also once a day, most days...I promise it is so so good.

My Preacher cut a hole in his truck this week...

...which gave me great pause...

...but the man has mad skills...

...and can do anything g...

...and ain't nothin' hottern' that. Just sayin'. A lotta years of marriage, a little middle age spread, but he still makes me fan myself when he does any of the following: works with his hands - preaches - plays drums - plays with his grand babies - sings "hey, mamma rock me" to me. peonies...

...and hydrangea...

Here's to a boatload of grace poured on my life this week, and even more hope for a much better week next week.

Glad this one's over, I won't lie.

Grace and Peace,

Sheila Atchley

All blog content is the property of the writer, including all "In the Middle" intellectual and visual art property...