I'm in a mood for some fall fashions! I doubt I will be able to do much shopping this year, but we can window shop together, whaddyasay? Let's pick a few of my favorites, and analyze why I love these looks so much...
Okay. For me, this skirt needs to be a little longer. It is cute on her, as a twenty-something (or younger) but I'd want this to hit the top of my kneecap. Otherwise, notice the boots, the big purse, the floral and denim combination. These colors are perfect, too! I might add a chunkier sock, showing just above those boots, in a compatible color...
Okay. I heart this! Perfect, in every way. Skirt is the perfect length. Notice the tights (or leggings) going into the boots, instead of bare leg showing. Scarves are huge right now, as are the long necklaces. Think texture, when you dress yourself this fall and winter. Think texture...and layers. This outfit would be adorable with the teensiest bit of a slip or petticoat ruffle peeking out underneath the skirt. Just something to add another layer down there, but not add bulk to the figure.
Two main things to take note of here: the boyfriend jeans, and the oxford shoes. I am in serious oxford shoe love this year. I wanna pair so, so, so bad. These shoes are extremely cute. Also, notice again the big bag, and again...those layers! Let your shirts hang below your jacket line this year.

This one is going to have some of you wondering about me. But I really like this! The cardigan is always an ultra feminine, conservative thing to wear, so to pair it with a menswear tie is a fun contrast. If I try to pull this look off, I will make sure that my hair is really feminine, maybe an up-do, with vintage earrings. I certainly don't want to look gender-confused...this model does this look very nicely. Notice one tiny detail that I have already worn and loved this season: the "mullet" top! ACK! You know, "business in the front, party in the back"! I've been tucking in the front of my shirts, wearing an interesting belt, and leaving the back untucked. Go on and try it...you will really enjoy wearing your shirts this way!
Once again, I would need this sweater dress to be a little longer for me. Well. A lot longer. And I would wear it with boots - western boots. But I love the overall look, and I think you really need a super long scarf this year! So go shopping.
And hair...a quick word about hair. I never thought I was one to be stuck in a certain "era"...I thought I've stayed pretty current with my hairstyles. But I've realized that I've had a way of
thinking - a philosophy of sorts - about my hair that was a throwback to the eighties. That philosophy was "perfection".
Here is what I mean. Even if you had big hair in the 80's (and I did...I had huge hair) it was all in place, and styled to be exactly whatever it was, if that makes sense. Every hair was sprayed into submission.
So, consequently, even though my styles have been current, I've been too structured about them in the last year or two. If I wore my hair up, I would pull down certain pieces, and only those pieces. If I wore my hair short, it was a certain style of short.
I'm finding that was an outdated mindset I was holding to without realizing it. These days, imperfection is the perfection. Put your hair in a little twist, anchor it with a few bobby pins, and let whatever falls out, just fall out. (well, not fall
out...you know what I mean...) Don't style every section, every hair. Loosen up, and accept your hair's "personality". Make sense? There are no hard and fast rules anymore, other than no over-structuring. Nothing overly short or flippy or spiky this year. And no cutesy...cutesy is a for-sure style mistake. Truly, just a nice cut, nice shape, and a bit of product is all you need.
This look is enough to make me wish I wore glasses. Notice the layers, and mainly notice the menswear watch. Already have one! Yup, I'm hip. (And I just really wanted to be able to see the numbers on the watch face!) Seriously, though, I get compliments on my big watch all the time.
Ah, perfection! Notice the plaid. Get something plaid this year. Notice the socks and boots and the color combination. I am copying this look as closely as I can, this winter. I'm hoping to score a plaid coat at a thrift store. Oh, and I need that red skirt.
Well, I hope you enjoyed our time of window shopping. I love fashion far more than I typically admit, but I'm admitting it now. I don't know when I'll confess to it again, so take note. I am a deep admirer of a Great Outfit.
Have fun with your closet this fall! Loosen up....experiment...enjoy being a girl, no matter your age!